Monday Motivation

Sometimes you have to ignore the downtrodden voice inside your head and just show up. This quote is the perfect reminder for a Monday morning - just because something seems impossible does not mean that it will never come to pass. Sometimes I get stuck in the daily motions of sleeping terribly, waking up to... Continue Reading →

How Do You Deal with Stress?

Everybody has battles to wage, and there are as many ways of handling problems as there are people in the world. I worry a lot. I mean, my writer's brain easily comes up with ten different ways the worst possible scenario could come to fruition, and I spend most of my time battling against the... Continue Reading →

Monday Motivation

Sometimes it's the little things that get you through. The first thing I do when I turn off my alarm at 5 a.m. is take a shower, and the only thing that motivates me to use soap and shampoo instead of just standing under the hot stream of water is knowing that I have to... Continue Reading →

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